Buying Top 5 Benefits of Owning a Home I’m not going to beat around the bush; a house is a big purchase and a huge life milestone. You want to make sure you are making the right choice. Have you been wondering if it is worth it to take the leap? Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there? While there are […]
Buying 4 Tips for Buying a House Buying a house isn’t like buying a kitchen appliance. You don’t have the luxury of researching, reading reviews, price matching, and using all of that to choose the absolute right fit before bringing it home. And if it doesn’t quite fit as well as you thought, you have the opportunity to return it for an […]
Home Decor Making the Most of Your Outdoor Space Well, Saskatoon, it looks like we’ll be spending another summer close to home. With the real estate market as hot as it is right now, it’s evident that some people are taking the opportunity to upgrade their living situations. Imagine finding a home with a great outdoor space—kids’ playset included. Or what if it has a pool? […]
Buying How to Choose “The One”: Your Guide to Finding Your Family’s Perfect Home Some people may make the mistake of rushing into renting or buying a property, only to realize later on that there’s something that they dislike or is missing. I’m not talking about missing shingles or whether it is up to code or not—a proper home inspection can easily catch that. I am talking about those key […]
Home Decor Home Staging: The Key to First Impressions When Selling Your Home When you have a potential buyer request a viewing of your home, you have passed the first test. Your home meets some or most of their search criteria and the listing looks appealing enough for them to want to see more! One of the most important things you can do now to ensure your home makes a […]
Market Update Seller’s Market: What It Is & How You Can Capitalize On It! Have you taken the time to browse through the listings in Saskatoon?  If you have, you may have noticed a lack of options available, especially homes ranging in price between $300,000 and $500,000. It’s all thanks to the seller’s market that we are currently experiencing! Seller’s Market vs Buyer’s Market vs Balanced Market Understanding the difference […]
Buying The Official Guide to House Hunting You Didn’t Know You Needed There’s more to house-hunting than just going to a few open houses, although getting to know the market in advance is not a bad idea. Before you become a serious “House Hunter,” there are some important things to consider. Whether this is your first house or you have just sold an existing home and now […]
7 Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal for Sale Curb appeal is one of the most important selling factors for a home. It’s the very first impression potential buyers ever have, and it can even be the make-or-break factor that decides whether they even step inside the door at all. That’s why, if you’re planning on selling your home, it should be one of the […]
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Renting vs Buying: Which is Better for You? From the day that you move out of your family house, you dream of the day when you finally stop paying rent and buy your first home. But, as you may have discovered, buying a home is not quite as simple as it seems! There is a lot to consider when deciding whether or not […]
Helpful Hints for Moving Book Your Move Whether you decide to hire a moving company or do the move yourself, you will need to make the appropriate arrangements. When using a moving company you will need to decide what, if anything, you want them to pack up for you and what you want to be responsible for yourself. It […]
Costs and Considerations When Buying a Home Beginning a home search is exciting and many people just jump right in without considering all the elements that make a home truly right for them. It is a complicated and personal process. With an unsuitable choice, you could lose money, waste time and effort relocating, or even put your family’s health in danger. Choosing […]
Pricing Too High Starting out with too high of a listing price will add to the stress of selling your home. Ideally, during the first few weeks, your home should be overflowing with activity.  Listing agents will market and promote your home to other agents who are working with homebuyers, increasing your personal sales force. If you have […]
Planning Ahead for a New Home There are countless advantages to purchasing a new home. You are able to build equity, enjoy pride of ownership, and truly make a home your own. If you are planning to buy property in the near future, preparing now can help you save time and money. Being prepared may also give you an advantage over […]
Do Your Homework: Home Inspections The last thing you want to end up with after purchasing your home is unanticipated costly renovations. That’s why home inspections are such an important part of the home buying process. Choosing an experienced home inspector can be tricky, so it’s important to consult with others to help you find a reliable inspector with good […]
Buying Costs and Value Benefits of Owning a Home Buying a home is typically a very exciting time for most people, whether you’re a first time homebuyer or this is the fourteenth time. Many people think of the basic costs like legal fees, GST (in some cases), property tax adjustments, the cost of movers, set-up fees for utilities, new window coverings, etc.  If you’re […]
Finding Your Home How to Find the Right Home For You You’ve gotten your finances sorted and you’ve now been pre-approved with a budget in mind, what should you do? Well, now comes the fun part. Searching for the house that’s right for you. Wants vs. Needs First I recommend to sit down and determine your wants vs. needs. […]
Financial Waiting to Move What To Do in the Meantime Now that you’ve purchased your new home—whether it’s your first home, one that you’ve downsized into, or one you’ve added to your investment portfolio, there are a few things to remember to do while you are waiting for your chosen possession date. Insured You will need to ensure that […]
Selling After The Sale What to Do While You’re Waiting to Move Now that your house is sold, now what? Life can return to normal with no longer ensuring that the house is spotless at all times and making sure your schedule is flexible for showings. Hooray! Paperwork I’ll ensure that your paperwork is submitted to your lender and lawyer […]
Financial The Finances Mortgage Pre-Approval The pre-approval step is an important one. After all, it will dictate how much you can spend and will allow you to determine how much you want to spend. Those sometimes are two different numbers. By getting this step out of the way, you are able to make educated decisions based on your financial […]
Selling While Your Home is Listed Things to Know While Your House is For Sale   Now that your home is for sale, what do you do in the meantime? Here’s a list of a few points to remember and take note of so you’re not feeling helpless throughout the process. Be Flexible Be as flexible as possible with showing times. […]