Home Decor

The Psychology of Colour in Home Decor: A Guide to Choosing the Right Colours for Your Space Imagine stepping into a bedroom that instantly makes you feel calm and relaxed; or a home office that makes you feel inspired. Colours can have a profound effect on our psychology, influencing our moods, behaviours, and perceptions of the space around us. In fact, if you’ve been considering a home renovation, you’d be surprised at […]
Incorporate Viva Magenta Into Your Home     Pantone releases a Colour of the Year in January, and in 2023 the colour is Viva Magenta. This bold hue represents the challenges and joy in our ever-changing world. Finding ways to incorporate this colour into your home might seem challenging, but here are a few simple ideas to try for yourself!   […]
Design Trends We Can Leave in 2022 Trends come and go throughout the years. Here are the trends that are on their way out in 2023.  Hard-Edge Furniture Curved furniture is still dominating the interior design space. Hard-edge, clean-line furniture is making its way out. However, instead of completely removing these hard-edge space-saving furniture pieces, dress them up with curved accents, such […]
2022 Design trends to Follow Interior design trends in 2022 are broad and diverse. Some timeless classics hold steadfast while emerging colour palettes, textures and materials flip-flop. Given the varied array of trends, not only will you be able to make your home unique to reflect you but also in style for years to come. Spending more time inside and […]
Financial 4 Tips For Budgeting a Home Renovation Renovations, especially when preparing your home for sale, can make or break how quickly your property will stay on the market. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of choosing new finishes for home projects or be blindsided by unforeseen hiccups that can dramatically increase costs. Deciding on how much to spend on home […]
Home Decor Top Home Decor Design Trends for 2021 Home design trends are constantly changing, but with the state of the world over the past year and a half, we can identify some common themes emerging. We see many rethinking the functionality of their homes and the concentration on building a safe, calm, and joyful space to centre us in throughout the various recent […]
Home Decor Making the Most of Your Outdoor Space Well, Saskatoon, it looks like we’ll be spending another summer close to home. With the real estate market as hot as it is right now, it’s evident that some people are taking the opportunity to upgrade their living situations. Imagine finding a home with a great outdoor space—kids’ playset included. Or what if it has a pool? […]
Home Staging: The Key to First Impressions When Selling Your Home When you have a potential buyer request a viewing of your home, you have passed the first test. Your home meets some or most of their search criteria and the listing looks appealing enough for them to want to see more! One of the most important things you can do now to ensure your home makes a […]
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